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Welcome to our blog where we share our new love of foraging, cooking, home-brew and other attempts at self sufficiency!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

egg custard tart

I was trying to think of something to cook for dessert using todays eggs, from our 'girls', when I remembered having egg custard tarts as a child. So I looked for a few proper custard recipes and decided on a basic version that I adapted.

- 3x free range eggs
- 150g of granulated sugar
- 1tsp of vanilla extract
- sprinkle of grated nutmeg optional
- pack of ready made shortcrust pastry

Blind bake a pie dish lined with shortcrust pastry for 15 minutes at 180C.
Mix the eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in a bowl.
Place milk in saucepan and bring to a boil.
Pour a small amount of the boiled milk into the egg and sugar mix.
Mix throughly.
Add the rest of the milk to the egg and sugar mix.
Pour the custard into the tart base.
Sprinke nutmeg over the custard tart.
Bake for 30 minutes.
The custard should have a slight wobble when ready.
A knife will also come out clean.

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