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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

'bottled' apple sauce

We very rarely use apple sauce in house so any apple sauce that I was going to make must have a good shelf life. I recently saw an episode of river cottage that was looking at bottling and this appealed to me.

2kg apples peeled, cored and roughly chopped
2-3tbsp granlated sugar
cinnamon to taste

Place the apples in a large saucepan.
Add half a cup of water.
Simmer over a medium heat for approximately 15 minutes until the apples are soft.
Use a masher to reduce the apples to the desired consistancy.
If you want a fine apple sauce use a hand blender to puree the sauce
Depending on the apples you may want to add sugar to sweeten.
Add cinnamon to taste.

Whilst the sauce is hot pour into sterilised kilner jars.
Leave 1/4 inch space above the sauce.
Seal the jars.
Place a folded tea towel on the bottom of a large and deep saucepan.
Fill with boiling water.
Slowly lower the jars into the saucepan.
The water should be at least an inch above the top of the jars.
Simmer for 2o minutes.
Carefull remove the finished product

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